A long late night at the Tchaikovsky competition

A long late night at the Tchaikovsky competition


norman lebrecht

June 24, 2011

They’ve been listening to non-stop music for two days and tonight the judges of piano, violin and cello will have to whittle down eight finalists to five.

No leaks yet, but the American violinist Nigel Armstrong did well to get through his concerto after a cellist keeled over in the orchestra. Both are said to be okay. The cool Nigel showed may even have gained him a couple of extra points.


  • Allan & Henrietta Silberger says:

    Dear Mr. Lebrecht,
    We appreciate your patriotism on behalf of the other American in the Tchaikovsky Violin Competition, Nigel Armstrong. However, please note that our grandson Eric will also be playing in the finals of the same contest. Upon request we will be glad to provide you with a picture for your blog.
    With sincere best wishes,
    Allan & Henrietta

  • A violinist says:

    I had the pleasure of having a young Nigel mop the floor with me in a competition. 🙂 He had “IT” then, you just knew he was going to do well and go far. Glad to see it.

  • ariel says:

    These competitions are so pointless- fiddle players and piano players sawing and banging their way through
    the same old same old works . The last thing going on is music making – it is all about the showing of
    finger dexterity under guise of art . And one might well wonder why the halls are empty – ever the old
    same old.