Anybody seen Alberto Vilar?

Anybody seen Alberto Vilar?


norman lebrecht

May 09, 2007

They took his name off the Floral Hall at Covent Garden today and replaced it with Paul Hamlyn’s, a deceased publisher whose foundation kicked in the £10 million (that’s $20m in Met equivalents) that cheeky Al promised the Royal Opera House but never paid.
Well, never paid in full. He kicked in a couple of million, before the hi-tech hedge find ran dry and Alberto stopped returning calls. The Hamlyn money has been ring-fenced for education (which was also Vilar’s intent), and I suppose that means all ends happily ever after – pending the possible fraud trial of which nothing has been heard for ages.
Sad, really. Vilar came on the scene at a really important moment for the ROH. He made his pledge at a time when the place was a building site and the newly elected Blair government were not going to let it reopen unless the books balanced. They were £10 million short. Vilar’s promissory note made all the difference. He does not deserve to be erased from history.
If you’re out there, Alberto, drop a line to say, Hi.
And that goes for you, too, Karen.


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