Farewell to a roving violinist

Farewell to a roving violinist


norman lebrecht

July 03, 2014

We learn of the death of Maurice Meyer, a longterm player in the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the London Philharmonic. He was 88.

The son of an Iraqi ice-maker, Maurice was born in Burma, moved to Palestine in 1937 and came to London in 1950 to study with Max Rostal. Aside from playing in symphony orchestras, he entertained diners at the roof restaurant of the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington. Late in life, he took up playing klezmer.

His son, Daniel, plays in the BBC Symphony Orchestra, and there are two grandsons.

Maurice died on June 23. In a bittersweet quirk of scheduling, he makes his last appearance on July 24 on BBC television playing in a Jewish wedding in the drama, An Honourable Woman. The scene was filmed eleven months ago.


maurice meyer





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