‘I will play for 26 hours to help stop cot deaths’

‘I will play for 26 hours to help stop cot deaths’


norman lebrecht

June 29, 2014

Our violinist friend Antonia Azotei has been spurred by the death of a friend’s baby to attempt a marathon fundraiser for the Lullaby Trust.

Do help her in any way you can She’s holding open house in West Hampstead.

Antonia writes:

antonia azotei



Dear Norman, On 2nd July next week, I will attempt to play the violin for 26.2 hours continuously (will small breaks for food and drink) in memory of my friend’s baby daughter to raise money for The Lullaby Trust.

I have already raised £1000 and counting.

I will be joined by some ex-colleagues from the BBC Concert Orchestra and some pianist friends to keep me going and make it like a concert. As the day before is my birthday I’ll have an open house and serve champagne to anyone coming to listen and support me in lieu of a birthday party.

You are most cordially invited! 



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