Bechstein gives young pianists 12k awards

Bechstein gives young pianists 12k awards


norman lebrecht

February 10, 2021

The Carl Bechstein Foundation has announced ten annual grants of 12,000 euros to pianists under the age of 30.

It is espeically looking for candidates from disadvantaged communities and areas.

Apply here until March 1.



  • Nijinsky says:

    I’m warning you, if you expect them to play Brahms D minor concerto, you’ll probably get what I every morning have to deal with. The Trolls next door over feeding their children, and causing an alarm already before the recapitulation, with their shouting, while you wonder while the rest of the neighborhood needed that rather than being able to smell it!

  • JussiB says:

    In U.S. concert halls and music schools (probably UK too), Steinway has the monopoly. I’m surprised nobody has complained or started class-action lawsuit.