Don’t miss the singing bus driver

Don’t miss the singing bus driver

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

January 13, 2023

Anyone know where one can catch route 74 around West Bromwich?

Ranjit Singh  wanted to show his family in India what he did for a living. So he made a film with some of his colleagues at National Express, singing in Punjabi.  “I take great pride in what I do,” he said. Ranjit sings of the brotherhood of faiths and origins: ‘it was such a long day’.

His two passions in life are singing and driving his bus.

Does Jonas Kaufmann have an HGV license?



  • Gary Freer says:

    The original Singing Bus Driver was Matt Monro – one of the best crooners of them all.

    Good luck to Ranjit.

  • Minnesota says:

    Good for this fellow and his friends

  • Una says:

    One Christmas on the old Virgin Train service from Euston to Manchester, I was on a train on a Christmas Eve. Half way up the country – probably out of the territory ‘the south’ – the guard had an accordion, and started off with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and then we all sang along to things like Santa Claus is Coming to Town, and 12 Days of Christmas, and pile of other things for about 15 minutes. Then he checked our tickets in his Santa outfit. It was hilarious as those in the carriage actually joined in and no one moaned!

  • davravidumn says:

    Wonderful! Brings out the best in public service and employee brotherhood. Go Ranjit!

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    If only everyone would live like that, all in this mess together, no colour is better than another and no religion is better than another. We might get somewhere. Excellent!