A thought for International Holocaust Day

A thought for International Holocaust Day


norman lebrecht

January 27, 2023

Sergei Slonimsky (1932-2020), one of the foremost Soviet composers, was Jewish by heritage and empathy. He wrote against official Soviet doctrines, often using 12-tone and atonal techniques. Like all Soviet Jews who survived Hitler’s invasion, he had much to mourn.


  • Alphonse says:

    We seem to forget about the roughly 5 million non-Jewish Soviets who perished at the hands of the Third Reich.

  • Bedrich Sourcream says:

    And yet, he wrote a “Russian Toccata” for harp that is practically pure folk music.

  • Robert Holmén says:

    “He wrote against official Soviet doctrines, often using 12-tone and atonal techniques.”

    I guess we have the Soviets to thank for serialism being identified as “brave stand against oppression” instead of as the feeble musical practice it really is.

    The musical value of it is vanishingly thin… yet it seems to have persisted on its non-musical associations.