Prague Philharmonia plays tonight in Taiwan, saying FU Beijing

Prague Philharmonia plays tonight in Taiwan, saying FU Beijing


norman lebrecht

October 08, 2022

The Czechs have not been cowed by Chinese threats.

The Prague Philharmonic Orchestra arrives in Taipei today to perform Dvorak’s New World Symphony on Taiwan’s National Day.

The orchestra has been banned from China since 2019 after the Mayor of Prague refused to recognize Beijing’s ‘one China’ policy.

At least one London orchestra has pulled out of aproposed Taiwan visit in fear of Beijing retaliation.


  • William Osborne says:

    The Czech Phil was also a national symbol of resistance during the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. The orchestra has a long anti-communist and nationalistic tradition.

    In related news, the USA has given Ukraine 26 HIMARS which it has used to good effect. Poland has ordered 500. Each HIMAR launcher costs $5 million. Each missile costs $150,000. A full launch costs $1,000,000. The full cost of the order will be will likely be in the billions. Lockheed is very happy about the re-militarization of Europe brought to us by our foolish leaders. The eventual effect will likely be a reduction in arts funding, among other things.

  • Taiwanese says:

    China is a shameless bully and has been bullying Taiwan for decades. Now as China rises to world’s no.2, the west became their bullying target. Therefore finally Taiwan is seeing growing global support, which has never ever been there.

  • Singeril says:

    Bravo to the Czechs.

  • msc says:

    Good for them.

  • Emery says:

    Too “Xi” to fail?