Toulouse cuddles up to its former chief

Toulouse cuddles up to its former chief


norman lebrecht

May 25, 2022

The national orchestra in Toulouse has just rolled out a new season with a great many gaps, most of which result from the departure of its Russian chief conductor Tugan Sokhiev after he was asked to make an anti-Putin statement.

Sokhiev has now been given the title of ‘honorary conductor’ and will be back to give three concerts in a pretty threadbare season with few likely successors in the pack.


  • Concertgebouw79 says:

    It’s important to have some respect for this orchestra and the fantastic progress done during the last 20 years. Especially in a country like France where everything is centralized. It’s harder to have some attention. France is not like Spain, italy or Germany.

    • We privatize your value says:

      Two of the countries you mentioned are not centralized at all: Germany and Italy. Spain is, but its centralism is disputed.

    • We privatize your value says:

      I am sorry, I misread your comment. I wish I could delete my previous answer.

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      Er, remember that the Orchestre du Capitole was world-renowned under Michel Plasson, who made it the go-to band for French repertoire. It’s not as if they started from nothing under Sokhiev.