French musicians implore Russian maestro to return

French musicians implore Russian maestro to return


norman lebrecht

March 27, 2022

Tugan Sokhiev did the principled thing when he resigned simultaneously as music director of the Bolshoi in Moscow and the orchestra in Toulouse, France, over demands that he take a position on the Ukraine invasion.

Musicians of the Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse have now expressed their feelings about his departure. The statement was issued just ahead of Friday night’s concert:

‘Ladies and gentlemen, good evening
‘Before discussing the particular situation in which this concert is taking place, we would like, on behalf of all our colleagues, to express our deep emotion at the violence and atrocities committed in Ukraine and our full support for the Ukrainian people (.. .)

‘The concert on March 25 should have been conducted by Tugan Sokhiev.
‘Tugan Sokhiev is Russian. Its history, its family, its culture are intimately linked to this country. It is this identity and this attachment to his roots that allowed us, that allowed you for many years to enrich us with what he had to pass on to us.

‘We shared with him so many musical moments but also so many moments of personal human exchanges, that we know, without the shadow of a doubt that he cannot in any way be suspected of the slightest complacency towards live with this warrior madness. We didn’t need him to tell us, but that’s what he thought he had to say in a statement he made public. And that’s probably why his concerts scheduled for the next few weeks in Salzburg (…), Vienna, Munich or Rome have not been canceled.

‘The musicians of the Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse are deeply saddened by the resignation of their Musical Director, but even more so by this injunction which is made to Russian artists to justify themselves, they who are, like all their compatriots, hostages of a totalitarian regime and a policy for which they cannot be held accountable. (…) In 1916, when the First World War was devastating Europe, Maurice Ravel had publicly refused to take part in a campaign which aimed to silence German artists and music.

‘Because music was not the enemy.

‘Today it is up to us to rise up solemnly against such a defeat of thought (…)
‘Because they have a universal scope, music, culture and the arts are powerful antidotes against hatred between peoples and against all forms of totalitarianism.

‘Contrary to what has been said here or there, we had many joint projects for the months and years to come with Maestro Sokhiev, no longer as Musical Director, but as guest conductor with a privileged link with our orchestra.

‘We feel that the book of this common history has unfortunately been closed prematurely.

‘We have therefore decided to express publicly and with a little solemnity, on behalf of the unanimous musicians, but also the members of the technical and administrative teams, our desire to be able to rediscover, as soon as circumstances allow, the pleasure of sharing musical under the direction of Tugan Sokhiev.

‘We would like to send him our warmest regards at this time.’

Full text in French:
Très cher Monsieur Sokhiev,

Vous avez annoncé dans un communiqué hier, dimanche 6 mars, votre décision de démissionner à la fois de vos fonctions au Théâtre Bolchoï et à l’Orchestre National du Capitole, suite à la sommation qui vous a été faite de vous exprimer sur le conflit déclenché par le gouvernement russe contre l’Ukraine.

Nous condamnons, sans nuance, cette agression menée par Vladimir Poutine contre le peuple ukrainien.

Mais nous regrettons aussi la position intenable dans laquelle le Maire de Toulouse vous a placé. Et nous vous présentons nos excuses, au nom de toutes les toulousaines et de tous les toulousains épris de culture, pour cela.

Nous respectons et partageons votre affirmation selon laquelle les musiciens (nous ajouterions : « et tous les artistes ») “sont les ambassadeurs de la paix”. Nous refusons de considérer que tous les artistes russes, que tous les russes, sont complices de cette agression.
Cela démontre à quel point Monsieur Moudenc ne comprend décidément rien à la fonction des artistes et de la culture. Celle-ci est là pour rapprocher les peuples, pour les émouvoir, les éclairer, les faire réfléchir, par-delà leurs appartenances, leur nationalité, leur vécu. Lui a simplement vu là l’occasion de se donner bonne conscience et il n’a réussi qu’à vous blesser.
Vous n’avez pas à être rendu comptable des agissements de votre Président, cette injonction étant en fait le contraire même des droits humains et de la démocratie.

Nous avons conscience que le peuple russe ne peut que difficilement, justement parce que la Russie n’est pas une démocratie, exprimer sa défiance vis-à-vis de son gouvernement et son refus d’une décision prise par celui-ci. Et nous considérons injuste et dangereux de sommer les ressortissants du peuple russe de se positionner publiquement, contre leur gré, dans un contexte aussi inquiétant. C’est se tromper de cible et, qui plus est, c’est stratégiquement inopérant si l’objectif que l’on vise est la désescalade et le retour à la paix.

C’est pourquoi nous voulions vous exprimer notre sympathie et vous demander de ne pas faire l’amalgame entre le Maire de Toulouse et les toulousaines et toulousains. Ceux-ci savent faire la part des choses et, pour celles et ceux qui ont eu la chance de vous avoir entendu exercer votre métier auprès de l’Orchestre National du Capitole, ils vous sont reconnaissants pour l’émotion que vous avez ainsi su leur procurer.

Nous espérons revoir l’homme de culture que vous êtes, bientôt dans notre ville.«

Les élues et élus du groupe Alternative Municipaliste Citoyenne : Aymeric Deheurles, Jamal El Arch, Caroline Honvault Maxime Le Texier, Odile Maurin, François Piquemal et Agathe Roby.


  • Bonetti Micaela says:

    Chapeau bas, Mesdames et Messieurs!

  • guest says:

    They don’t “implore” him to come back. It looks like his resignation was pro forma, with the gig business going on as usual, from now on under the designation Guest Conductor. Does’t he conduct in Russia too? Clever. Why are Russians so greedy for Western gigs, and why are Western institutions so generously wasting taxpayer money on their overblown fees? (Truth be told, not only Russians’ fees are overblown.)

    I am tired of the media painting all Russians as “hostages of a totalitarian regime and a policy for which they cannot be held accountable”. The Russians have _elected_ Putin, repeatedly, and it was Putin’s propaganda machinery that helped Russian artists infiltrate the Western world.

    • music lover says:

      Who cares about what you are tired? Who are you,anyway?We are tired of your nonsense……Bigmouth balderdash from a smug,narcisstic know it all in front of his computer…in his cozy German home ,who´s biggest threat in life is a payment reminder from the internet provider…Nauseating,self congratulatory pomposity..

    • GG says:

      He isn’t guest conducting the Toulouse orchestra anymore – he has and is being replaced for all concerts he would have with them.

      The initial plan, before the war, was that he would step down as MD end of this season and then guest conduct the following ones. But with his resignation this won’t happen anymore, he’s left for good.

      Bolchoi doesn’t list him for upcoming performances in their cast/distribution details. His page on their website has even been deleted.

      He’s still guest conducting elsewhere of course.

  • garib says:

    Sorry Norman, the french translation you’re publishing is not of the english text above, but of a text by a city council opposition group! Here is the musicians’ address to the audience:
    “Mesdames, Messieurs, bonsoir
    Avant d’évoquer la situation particulière dans laquelle se déroule ce concert, nous souhaitons, au nom de l’ensemble de nos collègues témoigner de toute notre émotion devant la violence et les atrocités commises en Ukraine et tout notre soutien au peuple ukrainien (…)
    Le concert de ce 25 mars aurait dû être dirigé par Tugan Sokhiev.
    Tugan Sokhiev est russe. Son histoire, sa famille, sa culture sont intimement liés à ce pays. C’est cette identité et cet attachement à ses racines qui nous ont permis, qui vous ont permis pendant de longues années de nous enrichir de ce qu’il avait à nous transmettre.
    Nous avons partagé avec lui tant de moments musicaux mais aussi tant de moments d’échanges humains personnels, que nous savons, sans l’ombre d’un doute qu’il ne peut en aucune manière être suspecté de la moindre complaisance vis-à-vis de cette folie guerrière. Nous n’avions pas besoin qu’il nous le dise mais c’est pourtant ce qu’il a cru devoir affirmer dans une déclaration qu’il a rendue publique. Et c’est probablement pour cela que ses concerts programmés les prochaines semaines à Salzbourg (…) , Vienne, Münich ou Rome n’ont pas été annulés.

    Les musiciennes et les musiciens de l’Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse sont profondément attristés par la démission de leur Directeur Musical, mais plus encore par cette injonction qui est faite aux artistes russes de devoir se justifier, eux qui sont, comme tous leurs compatriotes, les otages d’un régime totalitaire et d’une politique dont ils ne peuvent être comptables. (…) En 1916, alors que la première guerre mondiale dévastait l’Europe, Maurice Ravel avait publiquement refusé de participer à une campagne qui visait à réduire au silence les artistes et la musique allemande.
    Parce qu’elle n’était pas l’ennemi.
    C’est aujourd’hui à nous de nous élever solennellement contre une telle défaite de la pensée (…)
    Parce qu’ils ont une portée universelle, la musique, la culture, les arts sont de puissants antidotes contre la haine entre les peuples et contre toutes les formes de totalitarismes.

    (…) Nous sommes aussi venus dire publiquement que nous ne pouvons pas nous résoudre à voir se terminer de manière aussi brutale notre parcours musical avec Tugan Sokhiev. (…)
    Contrairement à ce qui a été dit ici ou là, nous avions de nombreux projets communs pour les mois et les années futures avec le maestro Sokhiev, non plus en tant que Directeur Musical, mais comme chef invité ayant un lien privilégié avec notre orchestre.
    Nous avons le sentiment que le livre de cette histoire commune a été malheureusement fermé prématurément.
    Nous avons donc décidé d’exprimer publiquement et avec un peu de solennité, au nom des musiciennes et musiciens unanimes, mais aussi des membres des équipes techniques et administratives, notre volonté de pouvoir retrouver, dès que les circonstances le permettront, le plaisir du partage musical sous la direction de Tugan Sokhiev.
    Nous tenons à lui adresser à cet instant nos salutations les plus amicales.”

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    Very sensible.

    • guest says:

      Nope, it isn’t. It’s just dirty French politics. The French text is different. The paper is signed by a group calling themselves “the Alternative Municipaliste Citizen group” (not musicians!), implying they speak in the name of the people of Toulouse (what insolence!), claiming that the Mayor of Toulouse understands nothing of arts and culture, but “they” (the group) of course understand everything, and of course they are confident that Western sanctions are strategically ineffective, and so on, etc, etc. This is crudest propagandist garbage, possibly financed with Russian money.

  • IP says:

    To get back to poor, stupid Boris Berezovsky: if one goes to youtube in search of some music or to see the latest lunacy of Dave Hurwitz (for example), the menu to the right immediately suggests Oliver Stone and how The West Does Not Understand Poor Mr. Putin, or that John M with how Everything Is Always the Fault of the West. If you have been practicing the piano for 8 hours a day all your life and you hit one of these links, you might be led into thinking that the world consists mainly of fascists and loonies who all agree, endorse, like. . . It ain’t necessarily so, but by then they have dragged you into that TV studio and beyond the point of return. And OK, Russian TV is the propaganda machine of a country at war but — youtube?

  • Verdi says:

    Very few years ago. A concert in Berlin with Sokhiev and the Royal Concertgebouw Orch.
    A concert in Dresden with Sokhiev and the Wiener Phil.
    A concert in Paris Phil with Sokhiev and Toulouse capitole orch.
    Cannot decide who is the worst conductor…Sokhiev or Gergiev: both poor.
    These french musicians are really devoided of ambition.

    • music lover says:

      Oh,of course,we orchestra musicians are idiots in comparison to armchair conductors who play only the remote control……I played for Sokhiev many times.Fantastic conductor,the greatest conducting technique i ever experienced as a player.Total independence of arms,hands,and mind.Unbeliavable ears,fantastic rehearser.He regularly conducts the Vienna and Berlin Phil,the Concertgebouw….But what do those musicians know….in comparison to you!!!!…..Oh boy….

  • David Hilton says:

    Had the conductor decided NOT to resign, it would have been just as much “the principled thing” as Norman believes his decision to resign was. Just different principles from Norman’s.

  • Alexander says: … I think it somehow correlates with the message you posted …
    There is some similar news on Italians, as I could hear from my dear Italian friends … so I’m not surprised to see many Russian names on European summer playbills , I mean summer 22

  • BigSir says:

    Dear Patrons, we the promulgators of cancel culture, have now realized that we shot ourselves in the foot….

    • guest says:

      You are regurgitating Sokhiev’s resignation paper. He too was trying to deflect from the true reason of his “resignation” by mentioning cancel culture. The true reason being that he wants to straddle the fence and milk both sides, the Western side and the Russian side. He currently milks the Russian side. If he gets to milk the Western side too remains to be seen.

      Always this tired narrative aired by Russian trolls, that the West can’t go on without the few mediocre Russian “artists” Putin’s propaganda has infiltrated in the West. True Russian artists have left Russia long ago.

      • music lover says:

        Repeating the same nonsense ad nauseam with missionary zeal doesn´t make it any more relevant or true…It gets boring….

        • music lover says:

          Pushing the thumbs down nine times…. If I were you I would at least change the number of clicks each time.

  • Peter San Diego says:

    How odd: the French text does not correspond to the English one provided. Here is Google Translate’s raw translation from the French:

    Dear Mr Sokhiev,

    You announced in a press release yesterday, Sunday March 6, your decision to resign both from your functions at the Bolshoi Theater and at the National Capitol Orchestra, following the summons which you were made to express yourselves on the conflict unleashed by the Russian government against Ukraine.

    We unequivocally condemn this aggression led by Vladimir Putin against the Ukrainian people.

    But we also regret the untenable position in which the Mayor of Toulouse has placed you. And we offer our apologies, on behalf of all Toulouse culture-loving people, for this.

    We respect and share your assertion that musicians (we would add: “and all artists”) “are the ambassadors of peace”. We refuse to consider that all Russian artists, all Russians, are complicit in this aggression.
    This demonstrates to what extent Mr. Moudenc definitely understands nothing about the function of artists and culture. This is there to bring people together, to move them, enlighten them, make them think, beyond their affiliations, their nationality, their experience. He simply saw it as an opportunity to clear his conscience and he only succeeded in hurting you.
    You do not have to be held accountable for the actions of your President, this injunction being in fact the very opposite of human rights and democracy.

    We are aware that the Russian people can only with difficulty, precisely because Russia is not a democracy, express their mistrust of their government and their rejection of a decision taken by it. And we consider it unfair and dangerous to summon the nationals of the Russian people to position themselves publicly, against their will, in such a worrying context. It is mistaking the target and, what is more, it is strategically ineffective if the objective that is aimed at is de-escalation and the return to peace.

    This is why we wanted to express our sympathy to you and ask you not to confuse the Mayor of Toulouse with the people of Toulouse. They know how to make sense of things and, for those who have had the chance to hear you practice your profession with the Orchestre National du Capitole, they are grateful to you for the emotion that you have thus known to them. procure.

    We hope to see the man of culture that you are again soon in our city.“

    The elected officials of the Alternative Municipaliste Citizen group: Aymeric Deheurles, Jamal El Arch, Caroline Honvault Maxime Le Texier, Odile Maurin, François Piquemal and Agathe Roby.

    • guest says:

      What hypocritical and misinforming hogwash this text is. I don’t recall the Mayor of Toulouse speaking in the name of the _people of Toulouse_ . If he did so it was wrong of him, but I don’t think he did. It is certainly wrong and deeply _hypocritical_ of the signatories of this paper to claim they are speaking in the name of the people of Toulouse. They are speaking in their own name. They aren’t even the orchestra, they call themselves “the Alternative Municipaliste Citizen group”. Smacks of dirty French politics from half a mile away. The claim that the Mayor understands nothing of arts and culture, but “they” (the group) of course understand everything, their “confidence” that Western sanctions are strategically ineffective – this is crudest propagandist garbage, possibly financed with Russian money.

  • Andrey says:

    He keeps all his nights in Bolshoi though. So his departure was more on paper. I say dump him and leave him for Russia.

    • GG says:

      He is being replaced for his Bolchoi concerts, from what I saw on their website (looking into distribution details). His bio/details page has even been removed from it.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Are you now or have you ever been …….

    The return of McCarthyism. Alive and well.

  • Jobim75 says:

    At last some common sense. What a well written statement. As a matter of fact, I have always thought that Toulouse orchestra and Sokhiev were not playing in the same league and that Sokhiev was a real chance for them.

  • music lover says:…..

    Here´s what a considerate,really relevant person has to say about the whole schlamassel

  • Fernando says:

    Those are real human beings and artists, not silly puppets in politicians’ dirty hands.