Opera house appeals for plus-sized wedding dresses

Opera house appeals for plus-sized wedding dresses


norman lebrecht

February 10, 2022

The costume department of Frankfurt Opera has put out a call for donations of white wedding dresses, size 44 upwards, for a production next season that has yet to be named.

Send your favourite wedding pics in first instance to  brautkleider@buehnen-frankfurt.de.


  • Maria says:

    What is Size 44 – British 16/18???? Piles of wedding dresses in charity shops in every town and city in Britain, but hardly that size or more than a 40/12.

  • Althea T-H says:

    I wonder why the company can’t make its own?

    • True North says:

      Much more expensive!

    • V.Lind says:

      Sounds as if they need a lot of them. Expensive to make — all those yards of material.

      Do brides that big usually go for the full white/veil/train etc.?

      This smacks of regietheater…or some weird new thing. I can’t think of an opera we know with a ton of weddings in it…

      Unless it’s for a musical. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers?

      • Marilou Garon says:

        Um, yes, actually, it is not only skinny brides who like to wear a traditional white wedding gown and veil… Plus-size women are still women, by the way…

      • John Borstlap says:

        It’s for a Regietheater production where all the knights are dressed as brides in the grail ritual, to stress their commitment to the purity of the grail.

  • Kathleen E King says:

    Are they to be worn by bassos?