Paul Simon, 80 today

Paul Simon, 80 today


norman lebrecht

October 13, 2021

I interviewed him once for the Standard: a difficult, incurious man.

Fabulous songwriter.


  • Andy says:

    Still crazy after all these years.

  • M McAlpine says:

    If you were interviewing him, he might have expected you to be the one who was curious!

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    A monumental, humorless bore who writes dull music. Sorry, but there it is.

  • Rob says:

    Awful junk

    • Paul Dawson says:

      Coo Coo Co Choo, Mr Rob

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      Wallpaper. Soporific. Tedious. Without elan. Ideal for the masses, then.

      • Duncan Eves says:

        You obviously don’t like his music. That’s fine, but don’t turn a subjective opinion into an objective statement that is so very clearly wrong on so many accounts. The music: well take a look at the chord structure of ‘Still Crazy’, or the melodic flow of ‘Bridge Over T.W.’ The list could go on and on. The lyrics: there are too many flights of poetic fancy to name here. By the way, your description of music as being suited for the masses just makes you a terrible snob. Music for the masses often pays for the elitist culture that you so obviously think you belong to.

        • Paul Dawson says:

          What a breath of fresh air your comment is. Separation of opinion from fact is not a strong point on this website.

  • Bob says:

    He IS every word of every song. You can see and feel his anguished soul

  • MR says:

    Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel together created some of the most original and beautiful music ever.

  • Hugh Kerr says:

    We had him as a guest at my local folk club in Essex before he was famous we paid him £5 and told him to keep at it he might get somewhere! A year later he was top of the hit parade!

  • John keetley says:

    Your talking about one of the worlds great songwriters…

  • Carl Farris says:

    Happy Birthday Paul