He’s out of my life, she thinks

He’s out of my life, she thinks

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

October 06, 2021

Lovely setting of a Michael Jackson song for the retiring Austrian mezzo-soprano Elisabeth Kulman.


  • My favorite video of hers is still this song cycle “Frantumi” by Fredric Kroll:


  • Frank says:

    I’ve heard more about and from her ever since it was announced she was retiring – clearly this long goodbye was never going to a quiet one. Looking forward to her eventual silence, and thereafter hearing those with actual talent perform.

    • Maria says:

      Exactly! Never heard of her before. And a vaccine protest a real stupid and selfish excuse for not doing the concert , not the true reason. Doesn’t sound she ever wanted to do it and then let’s her audience and fan club down – unless there wasn’t one big enough.