Anne-Sophie Mutter: I rang President Biden for my visa

Anne-Sophie Mutter: I rang President Biden for my visa


norman lebrecht

October 31, 2021

In the packed new issue of Strings magazine, the German violinist reveals in a five-minute interview how she cut through the US visa crisis:

Q: I understand you had to pull some strings to make the John Williams premiere happen (at Tanglewood in July)?

A: It was almost impossible to get a travel permit, so I and other spoke to President Biden and eventually it came through. Working with John again after all the coronavirus months on drafts, changes and improvements – his Violin Concerto became my lifeline.


  • Aleph says:

    It warms my heart that a German woman can get through to the White House to resolve her border issues while a Haitian migrant is welcomed on horseback by ICE.

    The world is such a beautiful place.

    • Giustizia says:

      She did it legally. There’s a difference.

      • Peter San Diego says:

        Yes — using connections unavailable to a great many world-famous artists, let alone the average German, let alone the average Haitian.

      • Henry says:

        Many classical musicians win prizes and get positions legally. Doesn’t mean it’s legit.

      • Ian C. says:

        White on White privilege..

        Biden has become a target of many Democrats after showing himself as a liar.

        He only helps his own race.

      • Immigrant says:

        It is not possible to state that a Haitian enters the US illegally when the cause of that illegality was an equally illegal US interference in that country’s affairs. As it happens with Afghanistan, Syria and so many other places in latin america and around the world, reckless and ill-founded US interventions are inevitably followed by the creation of large numbers of displaced populations, refugees, entering the US and Europe. Please don’t blame the Haitian.

        • Nijinsky says:

          It’s interesting something Noam Chomsky reports regarding Haiti: There was one Emmanuel Constant There was ample evidence that he was responsible for more deaths than 911, and Haiti asked to have him extradited to Haiti every year, but the USA would refuse to comply, because he knew too much about the CIA, who actually supported him, is put forth. The Republicans and Democrats were playing “musical” chairs with Aristide. The Republicans would have him kicked out, the Democrats have him put back in; and Clinton was going to have him put back in but the CIA didn’t want that, so they got Emmanuel to destabilized the country, and used that as an excuse to say that it was too dangerous, is put forth.

          The other side of the story, is that when they demanded Osama Bin Laden be extradited from Afghanistan, Afghanistan said they would, but the US would have to provide proof. That proof to this day doesn’t really exist, in fact at the beginning the lead towards who funded the terrorists that perpetrated 911 went to Pakistan. The Project for a New American Century they wanted something akin to Pearl Harbor to invade Afghanistan, and Pakistan wanted the Taliban deposed, because the Taliban stopped the opium production Pakistan used to sell all over Europe, is put forth (I don’t know where I read that theory). And so, although the lead towards Pakistan were clear in the beginning (the first couple of weeks) and were what was originally in the news, they were shut down, and the theories regarding Bin Laden were put forth (which still haven’t been proven) and the US invaded Afghanistan for the person they originally had hired to invade it for them…

          And the US clearly isn’t helping itself, to begin with.

        • G. Decker says:

          No. You’re attempting to conflate personal emotions with the laws of one country, the USA.

          One is either a Legal immigrant who goes through the formal process and is Legally sworn in under oath at a ceremony or an Illegal alien under US laws.

          You either are or aren’t a Legal citizen in America.

          Further it is the responsibility of each individual country to have their own governments, laws and sovereignty. The countries of which you happen to be citing have these in place. They need to control themselves and their policies! Otherwise it’s their own fault and must use their own resources to solve.

          Besides, there’s no reason for people to only choose America when there’s a whole planet to choose from. There are better places as the leftists continually remind us.

          Simply choose a superior country to settle in!

        • Sean Lee says:

          America remains the best country to be a legal citizen of.

          That’s why people CHOOSE the great USA over all others.

          Name a better country who does not rely on America for military or financial assistance and WHY you know this. Just lay out your facts.

        • Kev Frasier says:

          Immigrants should have listened to Kamala Harris (D) when she sternly said “do not come, do not come.”

      • Judith E. says:

        Biden’s white privilege knows no bounds is what you’re saying. Agreed

        There’s always his better, Obama moving into a rich, white neighborhood sending his daughters to the same non-black schools not to mention the hnw white boys the girls go for.

        Too bad Democrats went with a white guy again. Annihilates their values de-jour.

      • Joyce says:

        Biden is of course partial to 3rd Reich and socialist memorabilia which he clearly embraces in his governing style.

        Picking an attractive, talented female blonde with blue eyes could not be any more clear. Ahh the chosen, yes the exceptional chosen Biden anoints…

    • Augustus says:

      Biden is a white male, just like Hitler. Of course the rules were tailored for this girl.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        Let’s see…Biden is a white male, Hitler was a white male, and you’re an idiot. Sounds about right.

        • MWnyc says:

          Google “Poe’s Law”.

        • Deborah Klein says:

          Typical, uneducated response ‘Tiredofitall’

          However you have recognized the “Big Lie of the left”. They chose an oppressive wealthy, white MALE again over all those poor minorities. Thus they disproved their own arguments and violent rants over the last 4 years all by themselves.

    • BigSir says:

      Some lucky illegal migrants will likely make a half-mill per kid. Thats a lot more than the ASM’s fee. Feel better?

      • Tiredofitall says:

        First, the “half-mil” is only a rumor at this point…and when exactly was the last time your children were forcibly and illegally separated from you for years, perhaps forever? They didn’t exactly win the lottery.

        • BigSir says:

          I never tried to illegally enter a country. But if I did, I would expect my children to be kept separate from the adults. Its not a hotel they are checking into.

          • Amos says:

            The malevolence and peversity that trump 45 has given license to makes joe mccarthy seem benign. Be sure to tune in to tucker carlson’s 2021 version of triumph of the will on fox.

        • Phillip S. says:

          As you (a Democrat) just admitted to; they entered ILLEGALLY so they have no ‘legal’ rights!!

          • Tiredofitall says:

            They have human rights. You may one day have to rely on the kindness of strangers. It happens.

          • Felix H. says:

            There is a difference between humanity and legality.

            Ask a Republican, Independent or Classical Democrat over 65 who actually WORKED for a living as opposed to fad-libs who can’t afford their gargantuan student loans or their first apartment on their OWN. They can give you a definitive answer with certitude. Modern Democrats/Socialists “don’t know” so they’ll muddle a response or lash out as usual. Biden and Pelosi got them good with ‘erasing student loan debt’ so see how they feel now when confronted…LMFAO!!

            e.g. Compassion is a byproduct of justice. One must know right from wrong in order to perceive virtue in the first place no matter one’s circumstances. That’s why immigrants have always chosen America to become LEGAL US citizens! Illegals have no standing as they are not legalized; ergo not recognized under US laws. It’s also why higher ed is loosing new student monies as they haven’t the ROI they promise any longer.

          • Candice J. says:

            Trump voters have human rights!

            We are the strangers the left encounters every time they want money for their ill-conceived schemes they can’t afford on their own.

          • T. Kellum says:

            Excellent comment!

            It’s predictable that the left in the states always finds themselves begging, groveling and shrieking at the Republicans for money.

            Why don’t the Democrats use their OWN massive arsenal of money. Not to mention their “tax the rich” BS. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos along with Hollywood elites can easily fund all of the Democrat presents they think they need along with ‘reparations’ for blacks although they care nothing of Native Americans.

            Just take what you want from your rich donors. Easy!

        • Louis says:

          Nobody is trying to enter a continent like Africa. Why?

  • Maria says:

    Little Miss Pushy and obviously such a necessity in a pandemic and an indispensible soloist of course if she got through to Biden for a visa. They could have used just an equally fine violoinist from America.

    • Tamino says:

      Yes, make American Classical Music Great Again!!!
      Only on American made violins! Only from American composers, by American musicians, for American audiences! Sound transmitted only through good American air!

      • Pianofortissimo says:

        American musicians playing exclusively music from American composers on American violins…
        Yes, that is American audiences only.

      • Althea T-H says:

        That sounds like a wise plan, considering the seriousness of the climate crisis, and the contribution towards it made by aircraft emissions.

        Good thinking!

    • Guest says:

      I believe that ASM and Williams worked together on this a great deal. It wouldn’t make sense for someone else to premiere it.

    • the miserable "after Freire" says:

      “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

      First it was covid, now a visa!
      The only common denominator, conceit & pretentiousness.

      She even outspins Ifra Niemann the previous master of the art.

  • FJB says:

    Thank DEMOCRATS for ‘White Privilege’!!!!

    • Steven Holloway says:

      It is Sunday. Please try to get through the rest of the day without being bloody silly.

      • sjw says:

        Democrats were the original slave owners. It’s their responsibility to provide reparations. That of course includes the Jews, Portuguese and ultimately Africans who sold their own down the line.

        PS Sunday is the perfect day for atonement by these groups.

        • Amos says:

          Fortunately for the US and the world, the Democratic Party since 1932 is not the Party of 1792. Regrettably, the Republican Party since 2016 is.

          • Lyle says:

            Democrats worship Hitler too much.

            Fortunately God has struck down Psaki. Biden, Harris, Pelosi along with the rest of the Brownshirt activists are next. Watching them crumble from within their own party is simply delicious.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      BRILLIANT. I’ve found that using the language and tropes of the Left right back it them has them spinning like whirling dervishes!! It’s the sport of choice. Really it is.

      • Amos says:

        At them not it them. People are spinning after reading your comments to try and free themselves of the hate that emanates from them.

        • Anthony Sayer says:

          And the smug, virtue-signalling, working-class hating, liberal left just drip with love, do they not? Insufferable bunch of hypocrites.

          • Amos says:

            First, I’m willing to wager that I’ve spent more time employed in working-class jobs than you. Second, lacking a cogent reply doesn’t make the argument vapid or vacuous. Third, love doesn’t drip from the right or the left. Fourth, consider changing your handle to son of sue.

      • Anthony Sayer says:

        It shows how vapid and vacuous their arguments are.

    • God works in mysterious ways says:

      With Psaki just today testing positive for the KungFlu, there is a ray of light. Hopefully more of the same lefties will be taken out by China’s lab produced weapon of terror as they feast on their fat of arrogance.

      Vile Biden may have it himself after pooping in front of the pope at the Vatican.

  • Bone says:

    Could’ve just saved a step and come thru the southern “border.” No visa or vax required.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      Just the lock-up followed by bleeding hearts, hand-wringing, emotive language, exhortations to the green gods, non-facts, finger-wagging….and so on.

      ‘Blah, blah, blah’ – as the secular saint sneers.

  • drummerman says:

    Nice to know the president appreciates good music.

  • Curvy Honk Glove says:

    Well, it appears that some musicians are more equal than others, and COVID-19 can tell the difference, evidently.

  • Barry Guerrero says:

    Just speaking for myself, I’ve had my fill of both John Williams and A.-S. Mutter.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Does Biden know what a Visa is? Unless it’s on the palm cards….

  • MacroV says:

    Pretty sure the President didn’t make a few calls, but assuming she met Biden somewhere and mentioned it, it’s not inconceivable he asked a staffer to look into it. Not such a rare occurrence.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Probably true. However, it was in poor taste for Ms. Mutter to broadcast her (supposed) privilege in this situation, especially in this time. Implicit in her statement is basically “I am that important…”

      • Anthony Sayer says:

        She’s just basically pointing out how the world works. Remember all those UEFA bigwigs who suddenly didn’t have to self-isolate in the UK before attending the final of Euro 2000 (2001) this summer?

  • Peter says:

    … but some animals are more equal than others.

  • Gustavo says:

    So it took more than sending German Christmas cookies over to LA.

  • Tamino says:

    If anyone thinks classical music helps humans to be better people, this comment section is proof to the contrary. Hard to find so much opinionated ignorant stupid idiocy. Bravo people!

    • Gustavo says:

      However, it seems that ASM has got a crush on elderly VIGs (very important gentlemen).

      It may well be a result of her being imprinted by Karajan.