So, Jaap Van Zweden, do you have self-doubt?

So, Jaap Van Zweden, do you have self-doubt?


norman lebrecht

September 19, 2021

A new interview with the outgoing music director of the New York Philharmonic, by two members of the Hong Kong Philharmonic:




  • sam says:

    thanks for the video, very funny story about Solti and Giulini

  • Jerry says:

    What a bore! It’s all about himself. No charm. No back-and-forth. They are a slimy breed, aren’t they, conductors?

    • Mary says:

      You see, it’s something called “an interview”, that’s what one does in an interview; there’s an interviewer(s) and an interviewee.

      It’s not a cocktail party. It’s not a panel discussion. It’s not a late night talk show.

    • Christopher Clift says:

      Some are very much so, but by no means all – do not tar them all with the same brush!

    • Peter says:

      Thanks for putting them all in one tidy pile, Jerry. Can’t wait for your interview.

  • John Borstlap says:

    I don’t understand the caption.

  • Patrick says:

    Self aggrandizement. Go away. All of you.

  • NY Mike says:

    I heard him play Ravel’s Tzigane in Amsterdam when he was still RCO concertmaster. Fine playing!!

  • BigSir says:

    My notes. Body language, negative and defensive, though he was quite open and interesting in what he talked about. Maybe this was before he announced he would be leaving NYC on the first train out?

  • Scott says:

    A completely forgettable conductor for the NY Philharmonic. I heard one good performance of La mer from him. Goodbye. I wish that John Wilson would replace him.