Concertgebouw replaces Japan tour with …. Iceland

Concertgebouw replaces Japan tour with …. Iceland


norman lebrecht

September 27, 2021

Fascinating to see where orchestras are going this season to fill the gaps left by cancelled Covid tours.

The Concertgebouworkest will pay its first visit to Reykjavik’s spectacular Harpa hall on Wednesday 10 November.

Not as lucrative as Suntory Hall, but stimulating.


  • Frank says:

    One thing is for sure, they could do far worse than going to Iceland. Beautiful place, wonderful people – just maybe avoid the pickled shark.

  • CarlD says:

    Not to diss Iceland, but this reminds me of the old Peace Corps commercials, in which a new inductee sings, “I’ll take Manhattan … !” and the guy signing him up replies,” You’ll take Afghanastan … !”:)

  • jouko900 says:

    And “Boy Conductor” Mäkelä will conduct the orchestra in Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 6 and Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6.

  • fflambeau says:

    Why not? Obviously it is much closer and has lots of fans of classical music. It is beautiful. In these Covid days, a smart choice!