UK tenor, 40, is guilty of offences against underage girls

UK tenor, 40, is guilty of offences against underage girls


norman lebrecht

August 05, 2021

A tenor widely known in church choirs has been convicted at Isleworth Crown Court of 32 sexual offences against young girls.

Ben Breakwell, 40, was found guilty of abusing two girls aged 13 and 14 while teaching at a school in West London between 2014 and 2017. He is being held in jail, pending sentence in October.

Police report here.

BBC report here.


  • Henry williams says:

    These cases seem to occur in all different religions.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Lock him up and throw away the key.

  • Jack says:

    Such a shame. He made numerous recordings as a member of the Cambridge Singers under John Rutter.