Why don’t they play this in airports?

Why don’t they play this in airports?


norman lebrecht

June 25, 2021

From the Lebrecht Album of the Week:

If you are ever asked at Heathrow Airport to prove your residency by naming a work of English music, this album will do nicely. Leaving the arresting title track to last, this string trio recital contains a breathtaking account of the Prelude and Fugue by Gerald Finzi (1901-56), a pre-War lament for his deceased teacher. A London Jew who composed like a country vicar, Finzi is hard to pin down, but this is one of his truest moments and most perfect inspirations.

Hugh Wood (b. 1932) can sound like an absentminded professor but his opus 61, titled Ithaka, has a cogent concept of Ulysses’ homeward voyage and, for all its quietude, it exudes real drama….

Read on here.

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  • christopher storey says:

    I have always loved Finzi’s music . However, it came as a nasty shock to me to accompany in the various songs of ” Let us garlands bring” and find out how difficult it is for both singer and pianist , with non-stop modulations and time signature changes every few bars. If I had to pick my favourite Finzi it would be Farewell to Arms

  • Akutagawa says:

    James IV died at the battle of Flodden, not Culloden, which was over 200 years later. Doesn’t anything get copy checked anymore?