Just in: Berlin Phil seeks Covid-tested audience volunteers

Just in: Berlin Phil seeks Covid-tested audience volunteers


norman lebrecht

March 11, 2021

Message received:

Nichts wünschen wir uns mehr als die Wiederaufnahme unserer Konzerte vor Publikum im Saal. Darum freuen wir uns sehr, im Zuge eines vom Berliner Senat unterstützen Pilotprojekts mit dem Titel »Perspektive Kultur« einen wichtigen Schritt in diese Richtung zu gehen. Durch ein Konzert der Berliner Philharmoniker am 20. März mit Kirill Petrenko und Werken von Tschaikowsky und Rachmaninow soll erprobt werden, unter welchen Bedingungen wir in näherer Zukunft wieder öffentlich auftreten können.

Grundgedanke des Projekts ist es, die bestehenden Hygiene- und Schutzmaßnahmen um Covid-19-Schnelltests für alle Konzertbesucher zu ergänzen, um ein sicheres Musikerlebnis zu gewährleisten. Die Tests werden in ausgewählten Partnertestzentren oder direkt in der Philharmonie Berlin vorgenommen und sind für Ticketinhaber*innen kostenlos.

Wenn Sie bei diesem besonderen Konzert dabei sein möchten, können Sie sich ab morgen, 9 Uhr, bis zu zwei Karten zum Einheitspreis von je 20 Euro sichern. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Kauf ausschließlich online möglich ist und dass Sie ein Smartphone benötigen, um Ihr Testergebnis in der Philharmonie vorzuzeigen.

We want nothing more than the resumption of our concerts in front of an audience in the hall. That is why we are very pleased to be taking an important step in this direction as part of a pilot project supported by the Berlin Senate with the title “Perspective Culture”. A concert by the Berliner Philharmoniker on March 20 with Kirill Petrenko and works by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov is to test the conditions under which we can perform again in public in the near future.

The basic idea of ​​the project is to supplement the existing hygiene and protective measures with Covid-19 rapid tests for all concert-goers in order to ensure a safe music experience. The tests are carried out in selected partner test centers or directly in the Philharmonie Berlin and are free of charge for ticket holders.

If you want to be there at this special concert, you can secure up to two tickets for the flat price of 20 euros each from 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. Please note that the purchase is only possible online and that you need a smartphone to show your test result in the Philharmonie.

Click here.



  • Gustavo says:

    A pure Russian programme!

    To promote Sputnik-V?

    • Tamino says:

      Since when does music have a passport? Only amusical people think, the nationality (passport) of a composer is of primary interest.

  • Cynical Bystander says:

    The passport to social servitude begins its rollout. I presume that it is also obligatory to socially distance and wear a mask. Sadly, the donkeys will be lead to their cultural sanctuary as only those who are prepared to have a digital ‘tail’ pinned on them will be allowed into the safe spaces watched over and policed by Silicon Valley, the pharmaceutical conglomerates and their satraps in government if not in power.

  • Gustavo says:

    no Smartphone -> no live concert;
    no live concert -> streaming concert;
    streaming concert -> loss of interest;
    loss of interest -> no audience.

    • henry williams says:

      iam sure many of the older audience do not have a smart phone. or laptop.

      • Gustavo says:

        Yes, all those who tend to pay more than 20 EUR for a ticket and like picking up their tickets physically at the box office to enjoy some socialising before and after the concert outside the internet.

  • Suggeritore says:

    The booking opened officially at 09:00. The concert was actually open for booking by 08:53. I tried to book two tickets. After every attempt, the system failed, saying someone else had bought them. By 09:03 it was sold out. That tells you that people will rush back when conditions are right. A 100% negative-tested audience all wearing masks in a less than half full hall is really no quantifiable risk! Very sad that I was not quick enough!