Resignation at Salzburg as Mozart goes bust

Resignation at Salzburg as Mozart goes bust


norman lebrecht

February 19, 2021

 The Mozarteum Foundation has found itself suddenly penniless after 11 months of Covid. 

Its artistic director Andreas Fladvad-Geier has resigned and the foundation is undergoing ‘consolidation’.

The foundation, created in 1880 and with a huge archive of Mozart artefacts, runs a January festival that is presently directed by Rolando Villazon. There has been no statement on the festival’s future.



  • Dominic Stafford says:

    Andreas is one of this industry’s good guys. He will have resigned as a matter of honour, not as a result of any wrong-doing.

    • Manu says:

      Yeah, one of those clever guys who thinks only in terms of his own personal carrier, never for the institution he works for and is paid by.
      Mozarteum lost any kind of prestige when they put Villazón to run the Mozartwoche.

  • JussiB says:

    Let me know when they’re having a yard sale at Mozart’s house.

  • fflambeau says:

    Time to sell more chocolate.