Bayreuth baritone dies, 79

Bayreuth baritone dies, 79


norman lebrecht

January 01, 2021

The Hungarian baritone Sándor Sólyom-Nagy has died in Budapest.

He made 238 appearances at the Bayreuth Festival from 1981, notable in Meistersinger and Tannhäuser.

In Budapest, he was a noted Verdian.



  • PB says:

    I remember him well in Wolfgang Wagner’s Meistersinger production during my one season in the Bayreuth chorus in ‘83……….

  • Fabio Luisi says:

    An excellent singer and a very nice man, I worked with him many many years ago in Bordeaux, he sang Amonasro (very well). RIP

  • Peter San Diego says:

    A wonderful baritone whose presence always raised the quality of Hungaroton opera recordings.