Did Beethoven ever make love?

Did Beethoven ever make love?


norman lebrecht

December 15, 2020

A graphic novel on the composer’s life by Brandon Montclare and Frank Marraffino, released today, would have you believe that he got close.

You can order The Final Symphony: A Beethoven Anthology from Z2 Comics webstore.


  • John Borstlap says:

    My fly on the wall informs me that Beethoven never made love to anyone. He simply had no time, as is proven by the sketch books. He sacrificed all things earthly to the commands of a higher nature.

  • John says:

    Auf Deutsch:
    Ohr-al Sex

  • Nick Schleppend says:

    It is known that LvB visited brothels.

    • norman lebrecht says:

      Your evidence? There is nothing conclusive.

      • Brettermeier says:

        “Your evidence? There is nothing conclusive.”

        Maybe, but Nick made his conclusion airtight by adding “Q.E.D.” 😀

    • John Borstlap says:

      He only visited brothels as an observer to get inspiration for his dissonances, like the ‘Schreckensfanfare’ in the 9th which he got from innocently opening a door which he really never should have opened.

      • BilderBehr says:

        Sure, and I only go to the strip club because it does a great curry.

        Innocently opening a door? How stupid do you think Beethoven was, exactly?

    • Hilary says:

      Had he done so he would have been susceptible to the most grave illness of them all : syphilis

  • Genius Repairman says:

    Will this be a credible biography?


    Does it matter?

  • Novagerio says:

    Who gives actually a f*ck? That’s picking gnat sh*t out of pepper.

  • Victor Trahan says:

    The last straw !!!

    Why should this matter? Who really cares? Why should the sex lives and habits of Chopin, Schubert, Beethoven and other dead composers be of any interest today? Should all their music now be banned? Conclusive evidence is hard to check. The focus should be on music, not sex.
    None of our business. Period.
    Shame on SD for providing the link and promoting this book. Must be a slow news day to even bring this up on SD.

  • SteelyTom says:

    He had about the same luck as Bruckner.

    • The View from America says:

      Wow, that’s brutal.

    • Jack says:

      I recall that Toscanini said he wouldn’t conduct Bruckner because Bruckner never had relations with a woman.

      I don’t know if Toscanini ever explained why he didn’t apply the same idiotic standard to Beethoven.

    • John Borstlap says:

      Bruckner had the bad luck he only fell for very young teenage girls, and Beethoven circulated among the nobility where he, being from a lower social class, could never marry the silver-spooned available girls. The unsterbliche Geliebte was married to a nobleman and would have lost her children to her husband if she divorced, so she could not face that separation. If B had lived and worked in postrevolutionary Paris, he would not have had that problem. The commons and the nobility had even two different legal systems. In theory, he could have fled to Paris together with his Geliebte and her children, but that would have been a catastrophic bombshell and much too risky.

  • Edgar Self says:

    Tthis comes in time for Beethoven’s 250th birthday on December 17, formerly celebrated December 16, estimated from baptismal reords usually fied for three days after birth.

    • Paul Dawson says:

      I’ve been bounced around on this. Back in 1970, Dec 17 was generally recognised, but subsequent scholarship lent towards Dec 16. Are we back to Dec 17 now? The baptism is recorded as Dec 17 and, given high infant mortality, God-fearing parents were very keen to get the baptism done asap. I try to make a point of celebrating by observing a star called Musica which is 249 (+/- 2) light years away.

  • Matt says:

    I was in a sex shop in Soho ( colt books) today and Beethoven’s Eroica was playing in the background on the top floor.

  • Alexander T says:

    We have no way of knowing, one way or the other.

  • Lee Merrick says:

    He gave it ALL to his music

  • sorin braun says:

    100% closet homosexual.Evident in everything he said or composed.

  • Karl says:

    He has that angry incel look in many of the drawings of him.

    • John Borstlap says:

      The custom of depicting LvB with an angry face has become petrified, which is rather unfair since there are lots of stories (recollections from friends and visitors) which present a B who could be jovial, laughing, merry, kind, tender, etc. but the few times he had to pose for a portrait he got restless and irritated and that shows in the result. Fame is dangerous.