The Slipped Disc daily comfort zone (231): Whose fifth symphony?

The Slipped Disc daily comfort zone (231): Whose fifth symphony?


norman lebrecht

November 11, 2020

Check in at 5:22 on this performance and hear the seeds of a symphony written 80 years later.


  • A fan says:

    Used by CBS Sunday morning news to announce CoVid deaths. Thanks for the reference.

  • Joel Lazar says:

    This allusion or paraphrase has been “out there” in the literature for decades, as I recall…old news, in short.

  • Genius Repairman says:

    Not Sibelius. Not Korngold. Not Langgaard. Not Rachmaninoff. Not Nielsen. Not Schmidt. Not Bax. Not Elgar. Not … Mmm. Can’t think. Aaah… Ler… Nope. It’s gone….

  • Peter San Diego says:

    You’ve drawn our attention to this premonition not so very long ago. 🙂

  • We privatize your value says:

    Yes, Gustav Mahler’s.

    • Nüsse says:

      Mr. Lebrecht says “80 years later”. Is Op. 62 published in 1842? So that has to be a symphony no. 5 from 1922 ….although does sound like Mahler 5 from 1901.

  • J Kaznowski says:

    It couldn’t be Mahler V because no szforzando on the 4th, 8th or 12th notes. Or cresendos during the triplets or rests between them. Still it’s a better fit that the time SD thought that a Beethoven piano duet was a precursor of 5th symphony, whilst was a painful stretch

  • Amos says:

    Has it also been discussed that there is a theme from Handel’s Messiah incorporated in the last movement of the Mahler 1st?

  • Charles Clark-Maxwell says:

    >>a symphony written 80 years later

    80 years ? Well given that Mahler V is from 1902, then we’re taking 60 years from the Mendelssohn Trauermarsch . I know this site has a proud non-musicology stance – but a bit more rigour would help

  • Charles Clark-Maxwell says:

    At the start of Mahler V, he is actually quoting himself as that triplet trumpet motive appeared in the 4th symphony