Manchester has new leader

Manchester has new leader


norman lebrecht

October 19, 2020

The Manchester Camerata has promoted Caroline Pether to leader.

Caroline, who is also leader of the chamber orchestra Sinfonia Cymru, featured recently in a film about her struggle as a gay Christian.



  • papageno says:

    to paraphrase Ethel Mermen, you’ve Got to Have a Pc Gimmick in the show business.

    • Bruce says:

      I suspect her “gimmick” is being a really good violinist. Funny how a gimmick like that can help you get work.

  • Una says:

    You mean a new leader of the Manchester Camerata, not a new leader of Manchester. It’s not the leader of Manchester, who is well and truly still there as of this morning on the radio!!! Ha, ha!

  • Will says:

    Great choice for a fantastic ensemble.