Florida hall reopens to live audience

Florida hall reopens to live audience


norman lebrecht

August 21, 2020

The Jacksonville Symphony will reopen Jacoby Symphony Hall from September 26.

Seating capacity has been cut from nearly 1,800 to 582. Patrons will be required to wear masks in most parts of the Times-Union Building, including Jacoby Symphony Hall, and there will be no intermissions at any Symphony concert.


  • Florida COVID says:

    Good luck with that.

  • John Chunch says:

    No point – that will be during the second wave.

  • drummerman says:

    Good to hear this. With very careful planning – and hopefully with everyone following the rules – let’s hope these concerts go well and “inspire” other orchestras to do the same.

  • debuschubertussy says:

    He’s been the director for like 5 or 6 years now…why use that pic?