The Slipped Disc daily comfort zone (135): Leonard Cohen meets War and Peace

The Slipped Disc daily comfort zone (135): Leonard Cohen meets War and Peace


norman lebrecht

July 28, 2020



  • Mustafa Kandan says:

    It sounds horrible. It reminds me of Turkish popular music of 1970’s.

  • Micaela Bonetti says:

    Quel affreux gloubi-boulga, que cette musique!

  • Parker Monroe says:

    One wonders at Tolstoy’s reaction, though I have to expect he would have enjoyed the spectacle!

  • E says:

    Thoughts on this: the text, passionate (and dark), but that is Leonard Cohen. He also lets the light gleam through.
    He lived on Paros for years, and uses a Greek
    dance pattern for the music (sourced this online).
    The music used in the Russian language video
    clip is somewhat like Schostakovich in flavor.
    It is on youtube.

  • M2N2K says:

    The film clip is quite beautiful cinematically and the song is pretty good for its genre, but the two just don’t really fit together well, in spite of the lyrics being related to the visuals.