Legal threat to choirless cathedral

Legal threat to choirless cathedral


norman lebrecht

July 29, 2020

The Telegraph reports that lawyers are being consulted about the legality of Sheffield Cathedral’s decision to abolish its choir.

This could be fun if it ever comes to court but it may also bring down a house of God that has lost touch with its roots.

Read here.


  • Bostin'Symph says:

    The Times reports that the cathedral has disbanded its choir because it ‘fails to meet the needs of a “mixed urban community”’.

    I’d have thought the biggest barrier to meeting the needs of a mixed urban community is the cathedral’s insistence on adhering to Christianity. Maybe that’s next on their list of things to chop 😉

  • Harold Wilkin says:

    If someone were to set up a fund to assist with the legal costs in challenging this act of cultural vandalism, then I for one would gladly contribute.