The Slipped Disc daily comfort zone (103): We’re missing it now

The Slipped Disc daily comfort zone (103): We’re missing it now


norman lebrecht

June 26, 2020

What will we do with the kids this summer?


  • E. says:

    How do come up with things like this, NL? A musical culture that has no bounds!

  • Mock Mahler says:

    Sherman was a gentle satirist, but like many satirists he had a short popular career and a sad life beyond it. I hadn’t listened to this song for decades, but over the years it has popped into my head without clear stimulus. I suspect this is mainly owing to Ponchielli’s tune.

  • V.Lind says:

    Asa send-up, never “bettahed.!”

  • E. says:

    Speaking as a New York child who spent a summer at Broad Channel Summer Day camp, where lunch was often borsct: in woodworking, we carved wooden Indian (Native American) pipes, then painted them in primary colors. Boring. Caught butterflies (seemed cruel; my catch was a cricket, great dismay and still cruel); tennis (scared of being hit by the speeding ball).
    But there was a ballet class, with a true Russian teacher, Galina…. at the end of the summer we performed to excerpts from Carnaval, with costumes. Galina made mine, a yellow tutu with yellow wings… for Papillon. ( There was also a week one summer at a
    Catskill lodge frequented by New Yorkers…shuffleboard was good. Didn’t quite learn to swim. It was a place where Alan Sherman might have performed.
    Were you a New Yorker in those days, NL? Cheers.

  • jmccarty3 says:

    My Zelda! Get on the Garden Freeway! Where the drapes of Roth are stored! These are of genius. Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah, not so much.