The Slipped Disc daily comfort zone (39): Visions of innocence

The Slipped Disc daily comfort zone (39): Visions of innocence


norman lebrecht

April 24, 2020

In what alternative world could this win Eurovision?


  • John Rook says:

    It could never win as she is neither transgender or screaming some over-simplified narcissistic political message. It’s also a well-arranged, pleasant enough melody performed by people with talent, which only disqualifies it further.

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    Gosh that takes me back. I found myself humming along. When was it Norman? Back in the day when Eurovison was watchable.

  • Mike Schachter says:

    Wonderful! I was totally captivated by this at the time. She is now the presenter of the Italian equivalent of Newsnight.

  • Fabio Luisi says:

    She was just wonderful!

  • Ms.Melody says:

    OMG, I was a child when this came out!
    I remember humming it for days without having the slightest idea what the words meant. Just the beautiful melody was enough. Thanks for the memory.

  • sorin braun says:

    great singer , very under-estimated except in her own country.