Meet the stay-at-home chorus from from the Coronavirus frontline

Meet the stay-at-home chorus from from the Coronavirus frontline


norman lebrecht

March 29, 2020

They are seriously bueno, and they are the frotnline of the war on Coronavirus.

Coro Municipal de Córdoba
Dirección: Esteban Conde Ferreyra

Orquesta de Cuerdas Municipal
Dirección: Santiago Ruiz.



  • Mustafa Kandan says:

    This crisis will change us not only collectively, but also individually. If I survive this crisis, I now have a desire, for the first time, to visit Latin countries to experience their cultures, apart from major music centres of Europe. It all seems long time in the future at this point.

  • Bart says:

    The music makes the singers repeat ‘quedate’ hundreds of times with the stress on the wrong syllable.

  • Incredulous says:

    Meh, no one really wants to watch all these taped- together, underprepared home offerings that seemingly every musician is rushing out. Let’s see how much enthusiasm there is for this stuff in 3 weeks.

  • Bart says:

    By the way, this is the Córdoba in Argentina, not Spain.