London Philharmonic has 3 new violins

London Philharmonic has 3 new violins


norman lebrecht

March 11, 2020

The LPO has selected Minn Majoe, Kate Oswin and Lasma Taimina (pictured) to join the 1st violin section.

All three are from the Foyle Future Firsts mentoring scheme.


  • Christopher Clift says:

    And at least one has been a member of the CBSO 1st violins since 2018

  • Dick says:

    Who do they replace, though?

  • Mr. Schwa says:

    I bet they all studied thinking they would become star soloists………………..

    • Christopher Clift says:

      I would very much doubt that – most students I have known, are probably quite happy to know that they can hold down a decent job in a decent orchestra, or chamber group.