Oz news: Canberra to get a national opera

Oz news: Canberra to get a national opera


norman lebrecht

January 15, 2020

The international baritone Peter Coleman-Wright and his wife, soprano Cheryl Barker, appear to have been given the go-ahead to start a national opera company in the national capital, Canberra.

They have hired a company manager and are starting auditions.

Read here.


  • Kolb Slaw says:

    It seems odd after the music school was destroyed.

  • PCW says:

    Why is he listed as “international” and she is not? asking for a friend.

  • Angela Giblin says:

    The National Opera, if successful, could revitalise the musical scene in Canberra. I sincerely hope it does succeed. I think it has a good chance, as it has excellent artistic management, a good community base, and is independent of academia and government. The only long-term survivor on the Canberra performing arts scene is Canberra Repertory Society, known as REP, founded in 1932. It is still going strong, has good artistic standards, and is independent of government. In the atypical Canberra environment, this recipe could be the
    right one.