French National Orchestra is headless in Salzburg

French National Orchestra is headless in Salzburg


norman lebrecht

January 16, 2020

Then unattached Lionel Bringuier has just messaged that he’s conducting the national orchestra on tour tonight.

Where’s Emmanuel Krivine, the outgoing chief conductor? Good question.

Un grand bonjour de Salzburg! Je me réjouis beaucoup des concerts ce soir et demain avec l’Orchestre National de France et Julia Fischer.

Greetings from Salzburg! Very much looking forward to sharing the stage with Julia Fischer and the Orchestre national de France tonight and tomorrow.


  • pageturner says:

    Lionel Bringuier is very impressive, particularly with French music. A good switch, I’d say!

    • He’s talented I have seen him in concert for an excellent Grieg concerto with Thibaudet but his relationship with the Zurich Orchestra didn’t last long. It was a kind of surprise in France. In that country Roth is more famous.

    • Michael says:

      Then why are his box set of Ravel recordings so painfully boring?

  • ONF is a very good orchestra not very famous internationaly. But popular, they make the French national day concert every year with excellents tv raitings. They are used to played with famous guest conductors like Haitink Muti or Chailly. No reason to worry.

  • Amos says:

    If the BSO Berlioz concert I attended led by Mr. Krivine is representative of his work then the ONF, Ms. Fischer and the audience should consider themselves fortunate. The Harold he led should have been listed as Harold In Little Italy and the Fantastique was closer to Mediocre.

    • pjl says:

      I found his Berlioz SF in Glasgow the best live version I have heard and he included the cornets (which Thierry Fischer did not in his recent Bournemouth SO concerts)

    • ML says:

      I have been to Mr. Krivine’s concerts with the CSO on two occasions (both French and Austro-German repertoire), and left the hall feeling my time wasted. The CSO would have played much better without him.