Dresden boss regrets award to military dictator

Dresden boss regrets award to military dictator


norman lebrecht

January 29, 2020

After much public criticism Hans-Joachim Frey, organizer of the Semper Opera Ball, has formally apologized for awarding this year’s Order of St. George to the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Frey is now now calling the award a ‘mistake’.

This is the second mistake in a week for the hapless Frey, a former head of the Linz Brucknerhaus. Previously, he allowed Yusif Eyvazov to elbow out an Armenian soprano, only to be forced to reinstate her.

Frey (r.), 54, is mostly involved these days with Russian enterprises connected to Putin’s cellist banker, Sergei Roldugin. Putin has been a guest of honour at his shabby Dresden ball.


  • Mustafa Kandan says:

    A most ridiculous award to a dictator ( even if I prefer him to the alternative).

  • The Order of St. George?

    Is that like a knighthood? From an opera company?