Nadja Michael: How I escaped East Germany

Nadja Michael: How I escaped East Germany


norman lebrecht

November 09, 2019

The soprano has spoken for the first time about the risks she took to flee her country after being diagnosed with a suspected brain tumour.

Read here.


picture: Nadja as Kundry, 2015


  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Out from behind one Curtain to back behind another. So sad.

    • Petros Linardos says:

      No, this is not a sad story – only very scary. The tumor was apparently the reason behind her high risk escape from East Germany in July 1989, but hasn’t otherwise interfered with her health ever since.

    • Sanity says:

      You do understand that in this picture she is only wearing a costume, don’t you? For heaven’s sake, one cannot be that blind or stupid!!!