Scots kids get free strings training

Scots kids get free strings training


norman lebrecht

December 06, 2018

From the SCO:

The Scottish Chamber Orchestra and St Mary’s Music School are delighted to announce a new partnership programme for young string players in and around Edinburgh.

SCO String Academy in partnership with St Mary’s Music School is a FREE initiative for young musicians who play violin, viola, cello or double bass and have reached Grade 6+.

Young musicians from all walks of life will work alongside SCO musicians to develop their technique, musicianship and orchestral playing. In addition to the enhanced psychological wellbeing that group music-making confers, participants will benefit by developing key life skills such as social confidence, teamwork, communication skills, and a sense of accomplishment.



  • David Ward says:

    This is good. However, with cutbacks in music tuition in schools, new charges threatened for taking music exams &c there is much more than one hopes might done to help the young in Scotland (not just in Edinburgh, of course) develop an active interest in music. Still, it is good that the SCO are doing this.

    • Robert Groen says:

      Couldn’t agree more. The ancient city of Stirling isn’t far from Edinburgh. In Stirling’s shadow, there’s the village of Raplock where, with the wonderful support of Nicola Benedetti, a scheme is underway to teach youngsters about string playing, classical music and culture in general. Check it out!