Just in: Berlin Philharmonic replaces Gatti with Mehta

Just in: Berlin Philharmonic replaces Gatti with Mehta


norman lebrecht

December 07, 2018

The rehab is not complete.

Zubin Mehta has been called in to conduct Otello in place of Gatti at the Baden-Baden Easter Festival.

WIERD UPDATE: We’ve had this just in from Baden-Baden:

The Festspielhaus and Festspiele Baden-Baden GmbH and the Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker learn with much regret that Maestro Gatti is not in the condition to conduct the performances of „Otello“ and the Bundesjugendorchester in Baden-Baden and the concertant performances of „Otello“ in Berlin in April 2019. Future collaborations with Daniele Gatti in the forthcoming seasons are not affected.

Er, he knows he is going to be unwell next Easter?

CLARIFYING UPDATE: Breaking: Daniele Gatti suffers heart problem 


  • Rgiarola says:

    “In the condition” means more than unwell. It can be many things and all personal. The point here actually is “Future collaborations with Daniele Gatti in the forthcoming seasons are not affected”.

    There isn’t any chance to turn it in anything else than just a change of schedule. It’s happens with everyone in this business.

    • Dr. Lawyer says:

      Perfectly planned heart problems. Hope everyone could read between the lines…

      • Ms.Melody says:

        Dr. Lawyer,
        With everything he went through, the accusations, the firings, ruined reputation and almost destroyed career, is there any wonder that the stress has adversely affected his health? I think it is unkind and unfair to accuse him and the opera company of some plot to keep him away. Even criminals, and I am Not calling him one, don’t deserve heart disease, so show some charity and wish for the man’s recovery.

        • fflambeau says:

          Maybe you should also cry for his victims. The Concertgebau certainly thought him guilty since it did its own investigation and dismissed him from all posts.

    • Pieter says:

      I think Berlin and others thought Gatti conducting in April already a bit ‘too soon’ and asked him to step down himself, with the promise of inviting him again next seasons

    • Peter says:

      Not correct. If you read the statement in German, it unequivocally states that his cancellation is for health reasons (“aus gesundheitlichen Gründen”):

      “Das Festspielhaus Baden-Baden und die Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker haben mit Bedauern zur Kenntnis genommen, dass Daniele Gatti aus gesundheitlichen Gründen seine Dirigate des Otello sowie des Konzertes mit dem Bundesjugendorchester während der Osterfestspiele Baden-Baden 2019 und die konzertanten Aufführungen des Otello in Berlin im April 2019 absagen muss. Planungen für zukünftige Auftritte von Daniele Gatti in den kommenden Spielzeiten sind hiervon nicht betroffen und bleiben bestehen.”

      One can make of this what one wishes, but the position expressed there is that his absence is for health reasons.

  • Bach says:

    “Gatti, niente Rigoletto, motivi salute
    Stop per problema aritmia cardiaca, torna sul podio il 9/12
    © ANSA
    Redazione ANSA ROMA
    06 dicembre 201811:36
    (ANSA) – ROMA, 6 DIC – A causa di un problema di aritmia cardiaca verificatosi nella notte fra il 4 e il 5 dicembre, il maestro ‪Daniele Gatti è costretto a rinunciare alla recita di Rigoletto in programma stasera, giovedì 6 dicembre. La recita sarà diretta dal maestro Stefano Ranzani. Lo comunica il Teatro dell’ Opera di Roma.
    ”Le condizioni di salute del maestro Gatti sono già in fase di miglioramento, ma gli sono necessari alcuni giorni di riposo.
    Tornerà sul podio dell’Opera di Roma a partire da domenica 9 dicembre, per dirigere le restanti recite di Rigoletto in cartellone”.


    Daniele Gatti has to cancel “Otello” at the Easter Festival Baden-Baden for health reasons

    The Festspielhaus and Festspiele Baden-Baden GmbH and the Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker learn with much regret that Maestro Gatti is not in the condition to conduct the performances of Otello and the Bundesjugendorchester in Baden-Baden and the concertant performances of Otello in Berlin in April 2019. Future collaborations with Daniele Gatti in the forthcoming seasons are not affected.


  • der rote Falke says:

    In circles of Teatro dell’Opera di Roma and Mahler Chamber Orchestra (the two institutions that has Daniele Gatti as music-boss), it is to hear that Gatti will undergo a heart operation in spring. February, march and april will be totally off for the Italian maestro.

  • Doug says:

    No big deal. Mehta means only one additional brown bag full of cash. He’s on the decline.

    • Robert Groen says:

      Even a Mehta on the decline can still conduct a decent Otello. I don’t really believe that the prospect of -as you put ir- an “additional brown bag full of cash” was the great attraction. Mehta has already earned all the money he’ll ever need. If you think his powers are waning I’d like to know your reasons for saying so.

  • Andrew Powell says:

    Boy, does this “industry” need a shake-up!

  • Andrew R. Barnard says:

    Wow, way to assume things too quickly, Norman.

    • Robert Groen says:

      Norman is all heart. Not! I wish he’d talk a bit more about music, which is what we’re here for. Norman invites us all here to join him in his personal crusade against all and everything that offends his neo-liberal sensibilties.

  • fflambeau says:

    He has heart problems. A heart attack.