Piotr Beczala: How Bayreuth messed up my casting

Piotr Beczala: How Bayreuth messed up my casting


norman lebrecht

July 05, 2018

From an interview with the new Lohengrin:

The pre-history is quite complicated. I myself do not know all the details. I was in Bayreuth for four days in 2015 to rehearse incognito with Christian Thielemann. He persuaded me to take on the role. My debut in Dresden 2016 was intended as a kind of dress rehearsal for Bayreuth. Then everything changed – and I was not on the Bayreuth cast list. It was a bit mysterious. And I was very disappointed, because there was something niggling in the background.

What changed your mind now?

Beczala: It was a difficult birth. I said no for two days….

Read on here.



  • Caravaggio says:

    The current festival administration is likely more interested in trolling after so called bankable stars than in its true mission of safeguarding the best interests of Wagner’s works. E.g., Plácido Domingo’s conducting gig though he can’t conduct, the rumored Anna Netrebko Elsa though she is German illiterate, and Alagna’s departed Lohengrin though, again, German illiterate.

    • mr oakmountain says:

      Please, could I have a Pound every time you write “illiterate” or “fraudulent”?
      I still need more money for my Bayreuth tickets.

  • Player says:

    Can we have some translation, please?

  • Barry Guerrero says:

    Die gegenwärtige Festivalverwaltung ist wahrscheinlich eher daran interessiert, nach sogenannten bankfähigen Stars zu trollen, als in ihrer wahren Mission, die Interessen von Wagners Werken zu wahren. Zum Beispiel Plácido Domingos Dirigierauftritt, obwohl er nicht führen kann, die gemunkelte Anna Netrebko Elsa, obwohl sie deutsche Analphabetin ist, und Alagnas verstorbener Lohengrin, obwohl sie wiederum deutscher Analphabet ist.