Raffles violinist escapes jail again

Raffles violinist escapes jail again


norman lebrecht

October 17, 2017

Victoria Yellop was given a suspended sentence in July after a judge was persuaded that she had been bullied by a violent boyfriend into burgling a house she was looking after.

Yesterday, she was given another suspended sentence in Kent for causing serious injuries to a motorcyclist while driving under the influence of drugs. She said she had not used cocaine since the accident.

Court report here.


  • Robert Holmén says:

    Wow, after reading the details, the punishments seem surprisingly light.

    Two sentences, suspended, “costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £115”

  • Stephen says:

    This woman had previously been convicted of stealing £24,000 of belongings from a house she was supposed to have been looking after. She clearly has a problem but that is no reason for letting her off the hook. She severely injured the motorcyclist and could have killed him.