Exclusive: Why Netrebko cancelled Paris

Exclusive: Why Netrebko cancelled Paris


norman lebrecht

June 02, 2017

Anna Netrebko pulled out of Eugene Onegin at the Paris Opéra on May 31 ‘for personal reasons’.

We now know one of those reasons.

Netrebko was in St Petersburg, summoned by Valery Gergiev to the opening of the vanity concert hall he has built in the garden of his house in Repino. The hall has 100 seats and is intended for private use. The house, a former trade union rest home, is a gift to Gergiev from the Governor of St Petersburg.

Netrebko did not sing in the opening performance but she was seen in the audience by musicians, who have notified Slipped Disc. We are trying to obtain a photograph. UPDATE: Here’s the photo.

Here’s a report of the concert.

There were boos and catcalls in Paris when Netrebko’s withdrawal was announced. Her capable replacement was Elena Stikhina.


  • Alexander says:

    and do you know WHO sang that evening at Opera Bastille ?
    … of course my favourite prodigy ! She was a success that night, despite some frenchmen (those who will rather strangle themselves for 200 euros than enjoy the music and voices) tried to diminish her triumph ( they wanted Netrebko regardless to performance quality – they eagerly wanted names, and I doubt whether they could be happy even seeing Maria Callas instead of Anna onstage that night) there were enough people who really loved opera and who pointed those parvenus at the point of the question 😉 A lady , for example, wrote that Elena “a été sublime” on Opera Bastille FB page etc …
    Russia is generous giving its talents out to the world 😉
    AN is to sing Adriana Lecouvrer at the Mariinsky very soon, so she is for rehearsals in Saint Petersbourg
    P.S. You see, Norman, I am absolutely out of politics, all the same I have to admit you are getting too politicized recently ( you know I’m here for the last three or so months). You are biased. The wisdom is intellect in total with spirituality ( don’t confuse it for religiousness) , so it’s time for some to be above the intellectual games of minds and pure criticism ( what is just another form of jealousy or so) . Divergent thinking let one to look at the world of things happier …. just my opinion, of course.
    P.P.S. exclusively for Mr.Monster ( beg my pardons, still cannot write Ungeuheur or whatevs correctly) – I made a video yesterday in the evening and put it on youtube – behold – I am in the final picture with Elina 😉 sound quality is not so fine, but quite a norm for the Internet. Elena’s Bolero from “I vespri…” enjoy 😉

    • Alexander says:

      … lets one look at … correction

    • Ungeheuer says:

      She can certainly sing the piece with the accuracy, flexibility and intonation that are no longer part of Netrebko’s arsenal. The trills could be better but maybe she will improve with time. Still, I hear a competent and professional voice but not much artistic individuality in sound and/or expression. We shall see what the future brings.

    • Ungeheuer says:

      Caveat: Her last name could be used against her should she ever fumble: Sti(n)khina

      • Alexander says:

        in Russian her last name literally means “Poetry, Poetic” ( stikh – poetry or verse) …. so-to-speak fascinating linguistics 😉 any way I’m glad you appreciated her voice. I assure you – when you listen to her in the hall live you will be fascinated – go to Boston next Fall ( this year) … 😉

  • Alexander says:

    this is triumph, merci à Opera Bastille management
    “Stikhina est La!” “une nouvelle étoile est apparue hier soir, et on meurt d’envie de l’entendre à nouveau” …

  • bye bye says:

    Does Stéphane Lissner, in the tradition of Bing and Volpe, have the couilles to ban Netrebko for life?