Slipped Disc helps raise 10 grand for ‘tenor who disappeared’

Slipped Disc helps raise 10 grand for ‘tenor who disappeared’


norman lebrecht

June 09, 2016

Jane Ede, principal singer with Opera Australia, read tenor Julian Gavin’s story of his brain injury on Slipped Disc last month and set up a funding site for others to help.

Jane writes today:

Last week I transferred $10115 AUD to Julian’s sister May, to be transferred on to Julian. Although I was disappointed with the amount of fees we paid to the gofundme page (almost $800) I was absolutely thrilled with the response and generosity shown by the opera community. Thank you again for helping to spread the word, and to all your readers who contributed. May assures me this will make a real difference to Julian’s recovery. 

Such good news, for so many reasons.

julian gavin-2


  • Una says:

    Hey, that’s wonderfully heart warming good news. Well done. I am sure it will have made a huge difference, even if I don’t know him.