Late result: Berlin Philharmonic win on penalties (again)

Late result: Berlin Philharmonic win on penalties (again)


norman lebrecht

May 25, 2016

The inter-Berlin orchestra championship ended today with a weak victory for the Philharmonic, who seem incapable of scoring a goal in open play.

They beat the Deutsche Sinfonie Orchester (DSO) on penalties in the semi-final and the orchestra of Deutsch Oper by the same method in the final.

The BPO team seem far too pleased with themselves.

Wait til Louis Van Gaalhoven arrives as the new manager.

berlin phil football winners

L-r: Amihai Grosz, Gunars Upatnieks, Olaf Ott, Zoltán Almási, Lukas Böhm, Nikolaus Römisch, Philipp Bohnen, Wieland Welzel, Mathis Stier, Tomás Jamnik (Foto: Rosmarie Arndt)


  • Roger Christensen says:

    If they have a national tournament and it is anything like the Bundesliga, the Berliners will have no chance against the leading Bavarian orchestras.

  • Ann Nomynous says:

    No female players?

  • John Kelly says:

    If they get Louis Van Gaalhoven then they will turn back passing to the goalie into high art.

    Here, in possibly the best article on Slipped Disc in the past month, Mr Lebrecht makes one of his most curious (but doubtless tongue in cheek) suggestions……………he’ll be wanting Yannick at the Met next……………oh no, that’s Mr. Gelb. And Yannick’s opera repertoire is exactly HOW BIG? He’s great at what he does and he draws crowds, but Mr. Gelb messed up not giving the job to the excellent and generally SUPERB Mr. Luisi, just as Man United messed up giving the job to Louis Van Gaal…………………

  • Fidliboy says:

    Well Mr. Lebrecht, you could know, that penalties are not only after 0:0, but also after 5:5, 13:13 or 1:1 (which was the case of the final game) 😉