Justin Bieber gets an earful of opera

Justin Bieber gets an earful of opera


norman lebrecht

May 02, 2016

Mike Vincent is scooping overtime today on Musical Toronto.

He has pic and story of the teen scream turning out to hear three members of Opera Atelier sing for joy at Bieber’s father’s engagement. Toronto’s where it’s all at.

Read Mike here.

justin bieber party

Justin Bieber (l) with host Andy Curnew


  • Milka says:

    Opera Atelier is the only worthwhile musical group in Toronto.
    Have spent many a dreadful night at the Met only to be restored
    to musical health by Opera Atelier. Visitors to the city should time
    visits when Opera Atelier is on .Every time I visited the city I check to
    see if they are performing.A wonderful group .

  • Aslanis says:

    The woman in costume is the incredible, MEGHAN LINDSAY, the one she wore in the title role of ALCINA. This is a wonderful artist who is not to be overlooked and a huge contributor to the success of the Opera Atelier’s repertoire…a true Canadian treasure.