What English Mums spend on music lessons

What English Mums spend on music lessons


norman lebrecht

November 24, 2015

Fascinating confessions on Mumsnet. Full of vital statistics.

Peek in here.

young musicians rncm


  • Ravi Narasimhan says:

    That’s pretty good value for the money. Youth sports aka club sports are a booming business in the U.S. especially among families wanting to get the kid(s) athletic scholarships to college. That can run into thousands of dollars per kid per sport with additional costs to travel across the country for competitions and exposure to collegiate coaches.

  • Una says:

    God in heaven, what a carry on! Okay if you’ve got the money I suppose! All those helicopter parents, and then half of the kids give it all up with the pressure of being pushed around as an investment! Where is the time in all of this for children to be children and just play, and do what they want, even stay in bed? And particularly in the English and other British schools, unlike a lot of Continental European schools, where the school day is very long, and then piles of homework (if you’re lucky to get any if the teacher can be bothered to mark it!)