Breaking: It’s Mr and Mrs Alagna

Breaking: It’s Mr and Mrs Alagna


norman lebrecht

November 16, 2015

A message from Aleksandra Kurzak:

Drodzy przyjaciele, Aleksandra i Roberto mają zaszczyt poinformować, że w dzisiejszym dniu, we Wrocławiu zawarli związek małżeński.

Dear friends, Aleksandra and Roberto are glad to announce their wedding, just celebrated today in Wroclaw, Poland.

Chers amis, Aleksandra et Roberto sont heureux de vous annoncer leur mariage, célébré ce jour même à Wroclaw en Pologne.

alagna kurzak


The pair have been together since shortly after the end of Alagna’s 17-year marriage to Angela Gheorghiu. Their little girl was born January 2014.

We wish them every happiness.


  • JayBuyer says:

    Is this just a typo or one of NL’s unfathomable jokes?