Orchestra destroyer is named head of arts channel

Orchestra destroyer is named head of arts channel


norman lebrecht

October 12, 2015

The German television executive who abolished the SWR Symphony Orchestra of Baden-Baden and Freiburg has been promoted to president of the French-German television channel, Arte, from January.

Peter Boudgoust, 61, was an obdurate and inflexible head of SWR, deaf to appeals from the world’s leading musicians to preserve a vibrant and historic ensemble. There is good reason to fear for Arte.



  • Urs Liska says:

    I’d better not comment on this. Don’t know under which jurisdiction this blog lives, but I’d better stop typing NOW.

  • La-di-da says:

    Well, let’s say, he was a prolonged hand of stupid Ms. Theresa Bauer, head of the ministery for culture and education in Baden-Würtenberg who even wanted to close two music universities…
    There are some people who are glad to do the dirty work for others- that is this gentleman.

  • Simon Evnine says:

    And according to this, he’s got a 5-year tenure. Nice gig !


  • Holger H. says:

    Arte is a different beast. SWR was a public broadcaster with an employee base and cultural outreach that was founded in the good old humanistic ideas of enlightenment. Tenured employment, fair pay, etc.

    Arte is the new paradigm. Hipster freelancers without social security are welcomed to work 24/7 until they are burned out and replaced by the next naive “generation intern” self-exploiter. Only a core team of old style life-sustaining jobs is needed.

    An anti-humanist like Boudgoust is now made Arte’s boss? Shock, the sign on the wall is clear, the goal is to shut ARTE down.