Maestro, 87, is asked to step down

Maestro, 87, is asked to step down


norman lebrecht

June 17, 2015

The eminent Italian conductor Alberto Zedda has been asked to retire next January as Artistic Director of Rossini Opera festival of Pesaro. The request came from the festival’s general director,  Gianfranco Mariotti, who is 82.

Zedda,who has conducted in most of the world’s major opera houses and is editor of many standard scores, will be replaced by Ernesto Palacio, a tenor-turned-agent. Palacio is the manager of Juan Diego Florez – and of Mariotti’s conductor son, Michele.

alberto zedda

In Italy, it’s opera business as usual.


  • Olassus says:

    On a related note, I believe Ernesto Palacio recently left, or was kicked out of, the Italian agency “InArt Management,” taking Michele Mariotti and Juan Diego Flórez with him.

  • Olassus says:

    The ROF notice actually states that Zedda opted not to retable his candidacy.

  • GONZALEZ says:

    An optional headline… “A geriatric soap opera”.