Male voice quartet recruits a soprano

Male voice quartet recruits a soprano


norman lebrecht

November 05, 2014

Cantabile, also known as The London Quartet, have replaced one of their boys, Richard Bryan, with a card-carrying girl.

Sarah-Ann Cromwell said: ‘When I received the invitation to join The London Quartet I thought it may be a wind-up… A GIRL? After more than three decades? Are they mad? … Yes, they are. They are also a family of funny, charming, hard-working, exceptional performers who sing repertoire with an equal balance of seriousness and humour. Am I scared to join such a well-oiled team? No, I’m terrified! Would I turn down the opportunity to sing with them? Not on your life!’

sarah-ann cromwell



  • Hilary Power says:

    Here in barbershop land we’ve had mixed quartets for a little while now. Sound great!