Play date: The orchestra where everyone holds a baby

Play date: The orchestra where everyone holds a baby


norman lebrecht

October 14, 2014

Meet the Babywearing ensemble, a group where everyone – conductor included – comes wearing a baby in wraps.

Yes, it’s a commercial gimmick – ‘The project is the brainchild of Diana Rosenfield, founder of wrap selling siteย Wrap Your Baby,’ we’re told – but in an age of advanced equality in the orchestral workplace it has definite possibilities.

The drawbacks? Since you can’t play above pianissimo to avoid harming those delicate baby ears, the ensemble has to stay pretty small.

The pluses? You get to blame baby for fluffed notes.

Watch this all-new video for all new musician mums and dads.

babywrap ensemble


conductor with baby


  • Richard Dubugnon says:

    This is a sweet initiative indeed ๐Ÿ˜€ but why this poor arrangement instead of the original harmony ? Apparently, those little ones don’t mind wrong chords, parallel octaves not to mention the modulation at 2:30. I am surprised they didn’t burst into tears … does it mean that poor old Ludwig van got it all wrong ? ๐Ÿ˜‰