Government orders opera to stage Carmen

Government orders opera to stage Carmen


norman lebrecht

October 15, 2014

The Government of West Australia has instructed its health protection agency to lift the ban on the state opera’s Carmen. The intervention follows an international outcry over political correctness and creeping censorship.

All sorted? No.

These things are not adjusted by order. Perth has been added to our watchlist as an odd climate for opera.

eno carmen


  • Neil McGowan says:

    But just wait until the politically-cowwect dwarlings find out about the bullfight in the last act?

  • Will Duffay says:

    Except it wasn’t at all ‘political correctness’, was it? It was a misguided and inappropriate attempt to enforce a health campaign. PC is such a lazy label. And whatever it is that people think it means, this wasn’t it.

  • Neil McGowan says:

    For me ‘poltical correctness’ means pathetic, wrong-headed decisions – taken not for their own sake, but with a view to be “seen to be doing something good”. As such, this case fits the bill perfectly. There was no need whatsoever to cancel this production, and Chard should resign in shame.

    • RW2013 says:

      Not only Chard, but her weak artistic director, who would agree with anything to keep his job (as he did to get it).

  • mr oakmount says:

    Interesting that people noticed the smoking rather than the fact that a man who can’t take a no kills the female protagonist …

  • N444I says:

    The company has struggled with Stepford Wives management and “weak” artistic direction for years.